Inspire Garden Architects
Mark Rice Horticulturalist
Dip GD (Inst GD), Cert GD (H.C.College ), RHS General Certifcate 07575 107807
Dip GD (Inst GD), Cert GD (H.C.College ), RHS General Certifcate 07575 107807
From the very first day I started in horticulture I have always believed that the garden is about plants, no matter what else we look at or think about plants are part of the world around us. They create colour, interest, life, artists and photographers take inspiration from them, fashion follows nature,our own life style is often connected to the garden and plants, they motivate us in so many ways, and four times a year they change as we do with them.
But, we also like to spend leisure time in the garden, sit and socialize with friends and family, kids having fun and not everybody wants to be managing there garden every day. So, when I look at gardens I also look at my clients, your lifestyle, available time, what would you like to do and what would you like to see ?
Its not just about putting some plants in and letting them get on with it, they need a little bit of TLC just like us, so lets give them some.
* All photographs on this website are of plants I have put in, borders and floral areas I have planned and created, no stock photos have been used *